SIU clears Essex detachment OPP officers in London-area shoo

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SIU clears Essex detachment OPP officers in London-area shoo

Postby Thomas » Wed Sep 11, 2013 3:23 am

SIU clears Essex detachment OPP officers in London-area shooting

The Special Investigations Unit has decided not to charge three Essex detachment Ontario Provincial Police officers who shot and injured a 17-year-old boy near London last month.

According to a release from the SIU, four officers were investigating a suspected robbery and attempted murder on Aug. 3 at the Oneida First Nation, which is about 30 kilometres southwest of London. Police were looking for a teenager who they had heard was carrying a sawed-off rifle as he walked down Elijah Road, the SIU said.

When officers arrived on scene in police cruisers, the suspect turned and shot at them and a bystander, the SIU said. The officers followed him in their cars, stopped, and exited their vehicles about 45 metres away from him.

The suspect walked toward the officers, who were taking cover behind their vehicles, and shot at one of them again, the SIU said. The officers returned fire, with bullets discharged by three of the officers striking the suspect.

Paramedics transported the man to the London Health Sciences Centre with gunshot wounds above his right eye, in his upper chest and in both arms. Medical staff expect he will survive, the SIU said.

The SIU investigates incidents involving police in Ontario where someone has been seriously injured, killed or sexually assaulted. In the release, SIU director Ian Scott said he believes the officers’ actions were justified in this instance.

“The male proved himself to be an imminent threat to the lives of an officer and a civilian when he discharged a round at them, and underscored that imminent threat when he discharged another round at the four involved officers. It was clear on this pattern of behaviour that the male continued to represent an imminent threat to the lives of the officers at the time they discharged their firearms at him,” Scott said in the release. ... -shooting/
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